With delays and everything, you make it to the job office finally. You run your hand against a scanner at an entrance. The chip in your hand identifies you as who you are and an assignment appears on the screen. You are told to go to “Section J43 in building E”.
Your expertise is with software development. A skill you had when you were younger was to help build darknet software after the coup occurred in order for people to communicate. The software was never broken. If they knew you made that, it would mean instant death. Luckily they only know that you programmed robots. Your assignment is always related to your skill.
As you walk from one building to the other, you wonder what will happen to everything when your generation dies off finally. None of the younger generation is being educated in maintaining the equipment making this paradise work. This paradise regardless was built with what can equate to slave labor by standards a century ago and has issues working anyways.

You make it to Building E. You walk into Section J43, the police bot department and sit down at your workstation. Other men in jumpsuits are sitting nearby, a single female watching from a booth above observes you. Two robots at each exit watch to make sure work is being performed.

One of the other guys greet you. “Hey Jared.” he says.
“Hey Chris, how’s it going?”
“Shitty as always.” he whispers back to you hoping nobody else notices. “Hoping the Chinese invade us eventually.”
“Yeah, that’s bullshit, never gonna happen.” You answer back.
One of the other guys interrupts you two.
“Did you hear the news this morning?”
“What?” The first guy replies.”
“The Russians and Eastern European Alliance invaded Sweden today, it’s happening!”
You catch the meme reference. You automatically know what this guy did for fun when he was younger. In addition, he’s not the normal guy sitting there.
“Ron Paul won’t save us this time.” You tell him. “What happened with Andy, the guy who used to sit where you were sitting?”
Chris turns to you.
“Yeah… uh...about him… he got arrested for Class C Rape, something about forgetting to fully close the door to the bathroom and his wife reported him.”
“So he’s probably in jail or being lobotomized them, shame...”
“Or both.”

After talking long enough you begin to start programming a robot. The assignment apparently today was to make an escort robot, probably for a politician.

After a while, you begin to think about the thought crime monitoring again.
You lean over to the former chan poster.
“What do you think about this thought crime monitoring stuff?” You ask him.
“Oh, the mental scans? That’s garbage. I helped build that shit a few years ago, it’s totally a placebo. It only triggers if you make a few specific comments, ones that are so rare that it’s only been 1% effective. They just think they won that fight.”
You go back to building the software for that robotic escort. Looking at the logistics, you realize this is for the President.
“Why wasn’t this done by a woman then?!” You begin to think.
The new guy peeks over your shoulder.
“Presidential guard bots?! Dude, she’s a bitch, this might be our only chance to enact some change, before all of us die. You have to put something in to turn off those bots”
“But what if I get caught?”
“We’re the peer checkers, outside of us, there’s only some sterilized guys who are now women that have the knowledge to do that. Take a look at the assignment to see who reviews it.”

You look at the assignment you were given. The person reviewing it is named Raphael. You look back at the guy next to you.
“Is your name Raphael?”
“Yup that’s me, so are you going to do that?”
Chris, the other guy sitting next to you, looks at you and decides to make a comment.
“If there’s an additional reviewer on there, that action could get all three of us killed, think about it, please!”

Looks like you have a big decision in front of you this time…

So will you:
1: Possibly throw some kind of keyword or backdoor into the code to “deactivate features” of the robots.
2: Assume the thought crime device is actually a real device and the guy is a spy, so you do your job.