Pushing back against an angry mob will only make things worse. You try to accept your fate as possibly getting killed there. Two more women start shoving and hitting you, however the punches aren’t as bad as you think.
After dealing with a few hits, you decide to make a run for it.
You run for your life and after clearing a few city blocks, you no longer see any more of the angry protesters.
Chris calls your name. You see him a block away. You run over to see him.
“I think you dropped this.” He said, handing you your backpack. “I know what’s in there, I’m jealous.”
“Thank you Chris.” you reply.
A few more blocks of walking and you make it to the housing district. You shake hands with Chris, congratulating him on surviving another day of hell and you both make your way to your respective apartment blocks. You walk into your apartment, and see your wife’s son sitting on the living room floor working on a homework assignment with CNN on the TV playing.
“Hey Dad,” he asks. “All the countries in Asia, including our ally Japan just signed an embargo against us for humanitarian reasons. What’s that mean?”
You realize that was probably the decision the guys in the Japanese Embassy were making when you were there, and you might have been a cog in that gear for that. You sit down on the couch.
“That means those countries will not trade with us anymore, and will take measures of keeping goods from reaching us now. Things are going to get hard here.
You get back up off the couch and walk to the kitchen.
“Come on, we need to eat.” You tell him.
The two of you eat your mandatory soy-based soy-based protein that looks like cereal. Afterwards as a desert, you both eat those freshly baked pretzels, telling him the pretzels were a secret. Looking at the clock, you realize you have some time before anyone else comes home.
You head back to your room. Neal follows you.
“So can you tell me what life in the patriarchy was?” he asked.
“Sure.” You reply. You pull out your old laptop.
“What’s that?”
“This was my means of communicating with the outside world. It wasn’t the best way, there was a lot outside the internet, but I never enjoyed myself when I was younger.”
You boot up the computer and load a folder of memes.
“Let me start with a mascot of the patriarchy.” you tell him.
You load up a pepe the frog meme and turn the screen towards him.
“This is the symbol of hate speech by our current country. This will be our mascot.”
You explain things of your youth, such as a the meme war, hunting for and tearing down flags from guys with mental illnesses, video games, and other things you enjoyed. This goes on for an hour.
“Time to go to bed now.” you tell him. “And this is a secret, okay?”
“I promise.” He replies.
He leaves the room. You close and lock the door. Amazingly, the cell modem in the laptop still works, although it appears to have been replaced with newer technology. You can access the internet, and the darknet using one of the applications you helped develop when you were younger.
Amazingly, the boards you frequented years ago are still active, with people trying to come up with ways to overthrow the current government. You decide to start a mini-blog with hopes that your story will teach a lesson to people in the future.
Seeing that some people, including a son that isn’t even yours have some interest in old ways, you realize there’s still some hope in the world, and that outside pressures will help us come to our senses, if not in your lifetime, maybe the next generation.
You use the machine for a while to bring back old memories then turn it off and hide it in the wall. You go to sleep happier than you ever were before, dreaming of revenge and how things could be if America is made great again.
(You have found a happy ending, or what can kinda be considered as one. You can start over to see if there’s another ending if you want, but that’s all folks!)
Created 2018-05-07