Even at your age, you feel a lot more tougher than this woman is. You decide to return the favor with a punch straight to the face. The hit knocks her down to the ground. She looks stunned. You do feel good hitting her, the smell from her hair was horrible and dreadlocks are never that attractive on young women anyway. The mob however does not like your actions.
A woman who could possibly pass as a guy smacks you across the head with a piece of lumber. You go down to the ground with a hard ‘thud’. You are somewhat in a daze, possibly from a concussion but are not fully aware of your surroundings afterwards. The mob strips you of your clothes and decides to give you a public castration on camera with everyone seeing. You become aware enough to scream in pain as this is going on. Other things occur to you that are fairly graphic. After twenty minutes of the mob having their way with you, you are tossed over a ledge into a park, naked and covered with blood. Another guy in a jumpsuit sees you and comes to your aid. Chris also appears and calls for a paramedic.
You are taken to a hospital and your coworkers come together with enough money to pay for your medical bills, something unusual that happens. You are released three days later and are immediately arrested outside the hospital for Class B Rape since you were naked in front of women. You are tried, convicted and sentenced to 90 days of jail and a mandatory reeducation class.
In jail, you are lobotomized and reeducated, turning yourself into a mindless worker-bee. However with the damage to your parts down under, you commit suicide shortly after being released as going to the bathroom is nearly impossible without pain.
You have died. Please go back and try again.