“Sorry Lisa, but I don’t have any more money left. I just gave my last 500 to Neal.”

She looks at you with disgust even more.

You try to exercise some authority, even though you’re a guy and at the bottom of the societal totem pole.
“Regardless of my gender, that’s not a way to talk to another person. You have to be a bit more polite than that.”
You say that with a bit of confidence, trying to be somewhat of a role model to them even though it might not be of any use. You know your son might gets some impact from that, hopefully making a change in the next generation if there is anyone left. You are not sure about your daughter.

Your daughter pauses, and kind of blushes a bit.

“You’re never serious like that, Dad. Okay, you might be kinda right. Okay, can I have a thousand to go to the orgy house after school?”

“You shouldn’t be having sex that early in your life, 13 is too young to be doing that.”

“Everyone says your comment doesn’t matter, and it doesn’t.”

“Everyone had a voice when I was your age, people just didn’t realize it. I should tell you though, your mom used the last of our money buying you and her underwear again. I gave my last $500 card to your brother.”

She has a bit of a disgusted look on her face, and snatches the card out of your son’s pocket.

“You guys are slobs. I hope you die.” she mutters as she walks out the door, grabbing a bottle of soylent out of the fridge on the way out. Your son looks at you with an astonished look.

“Dad? Is that what you said true?”

“Yes, it was, but don’t go around telling anyone that, if you don’t, I’ll tell you some stories of when I was your age tonight when everyone’s asleep.”

He smiles at you.

“Thanks Dad.”
He grabs his messenger bag and walks out the door. You still hear your wife moaning from loud sex. She likely had two people in the room with her and not just one.

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